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AEW Rampage 8/23/24
From the ESports Stadium in Arlington, Texas! Tony Schiavone is on the call, joined by Nigel McGuinness and Roderick Strong, for this opening match.
Match #1. The Conglomeration vs. Brian Cage, Johnny TV, & The Beast Mortos
TV and Kyle to start. Kitchen sink by Kyle and a tag to Ishii. Chop and roundhouse kick combo by Kyle and Ishii, to TV and Cage. Double shoulder block to Cage. TV flips out of a suplex attempt and Mortos gets the tag, as he trades shoulder blocks with Ishii. Elbow by Ishii. Headbutt by Mortos. Both guys fall! Double tags now as Briscoe and Cage trade strikes. Short-arm clothesline by Cage and Briscoe goes down. Redneck Kung Fu to Cage and a blind tag to Kyle, who connects with a big running boot to the face. Kyle dives on a guillotine choke and settles for a rear naked, before getting countered with a swinging full nelson slam. Two count. Mortos gets the tag and delivers a big headbutt. Superkick by TV and an assisted Lionsault get two. Kyle in trouble now as Mortos and company make quick tags. Hammer throw by Cage and Kyle lands hard. Vertical suplex/diving crossbody combo by TV and Cage. Kyle gets beat up on the outside of the ring as we go to commercial. TV with a superkick to Briscoe on the apron and an elbow to Ishii, but Ishii eats it. Kick combo by Kyle that ends with a foot sweep. Tag to Ishii, who runs at Mortos. Discus elbows to everyone and a delayed vertical suplex to Mortos. One for Cage. Avalanche by Cage and an enziguiri, followed by a release German suplex. Diving spear by Mortos and he gets a two count. Mortos and Ishii accidentally clothesline each other, and TV gets tossed with a German suplex Hot tag to Mark Briscoe! Redneck Kung Fu to everyone and a running boot to Mortos. Pele to Cage. Uranage to TV. Cage is here with a pumphandle driver to Briscoe. Running low knee by Kyle to Cage. Pop-up Samoan drop to Kyle from Mortos. Sliding lariat by Ishii to Mortos. Disaster Kick by TV to Ishii. Shotgun dropkick by Briscoe to TV. Briscoe wants to dive off the chair to the outside but Taya removes the chair. Uppercut by Briscoe to Cage and a running PK off the apron by Kyle. TV and Mortos with a pair of wierd looking dives take out Kyle and Ishii. Now Briscoe dives and he takes out Johnny TV. Briscoe heads up top for the Froggy Bow and Taya distracts him and heads up top. Ishii makes the blind tag as Briscoe comes off the top with a shotgun dropkick to Cage. Total Elimination by Ishii and Kyle to Johnny TV. Armbar by Kyle and TV taps!
Winner: The Conglomeration
Rating: ***1/2. Yup, I’m your Conglomeration guy, and they’re delivering strong wrestling week after week. This ruled.
The Undisputed Kingdom’s music hits as Roderick Strong and company walk to the ring.
Match #2. Roderick Strong vs. Fuego Del Sol
Strong with some kicks to start and a running clothesline to Fuego. Backbreaker. Back suplex by Strong and some hard chops against the ropes. Delayed vertical suplex by Strong gets a two count. Fuego counters a Gory Special with a roll up that gets two. Strong with a hammer throw to Fuego before End of Heartache.
Winner: Roderick Strong
Rating: NR
Match #3. Robyn Renegade vs. Mina Shiwakawa
Both women trade holds early on as Mina goes around the world with a tieres and a Russian Leg Sweep. Double stomp to the knees by Mina and a top rope assisted corkscrew kick. Two count. Renegade tries a powerslam but Mina cradles her for two. Renegade heads to the apron but gets her knee dropkicked as she came back in. Figure Four by Mina as Renegade struggles to get to the ropes… but does. Renegade pulls Mina into the middle turnbuckle and takes control. Mina fires back with some forearms but eats a Backstabber for two as we go to commercial. Back from commercial and Renegade tries a victory roll, but Mina frees herself and locks in a step-over Figure Four that forces Renegade to tap.
Winner: Mina Shirakawa
Rating: NR
Lexy is here with Shida. Shida was one Kitana away from the championship, but everyone is focused on Toni vs. Mariah. Shida walked into Wembley with the title last year and she will be a champion again… she will not be an afterthough.
Match #4. Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson vs. Gates of Agony
Bronson lays some chops in to Kaun but Kaun is fires back. Avalanche by Bronson and a big boot. Bronson runs into a big lariat and Boulder gets the tag… as does Toa. Both guys stand and clothesline each other, with Boulder getting the better of it with a big clothesline. Samoan drop by Toa and now a back body drop to Boulder. Kaun springboards off the back of Toa for a shotgun dropkick. Running hip attack by Toa and a seated Meteora to Boulder. Double team Razor’s Edge and this is over.
Winner: Gates of Agony
Rating: *1/4. Little more than an enhancement match, here.
Match #5. The Von Erichs w/ Dustin Rhodes vs. The OutRunners
OutRunners in the main event? I’m here for it. Fireman’s carry by Floyd but a dropkick by Ross and we reset. Marshall and Truth are in now and both men trade a pair of body slams. Double dropkick by The Von Erichs and The OutRunners reset outside the ring. Jameson provides a distraction, allowing Floyd and Magnum to jump Ross. Double elbow drop and a snap mare, as Ross is stuck in the opposite corner through the commercial. Magnum misses a big elbow drop and Floyd makes the tag. Ross shifts his weight in mid-air during a Floyd suplex and covers him for two. Crossbody by Ross but Magnum made the blind tag and he delivers some ground pound. Floyd throws Truth into a Ross dropkick before making the tag to Marshall, who clears house with big boots, right hands, and clotheslines. Cannonball by Marshall and a picture-perfect moonsault off the top to Truth. Claw by Ross! Claw by Marshall! Double pins.
Winners: The Von Erichs
Rating: *3/4. This was… there. Punches and kicks until a pair of claws.
It’s a melee to close the show as everyone on the show has hit the ring, starting with the Undisputed Kingdom, as we go off the air… for some reason.
Final Thoughts: Solid opening match and then the entire show just fell off. I know the show was taped over a week ago but the whole show felt out of place. At least The Conglomeration got a win. 5.5/10.